Creating a Daily Ritual that Works!

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Lets talk daily rituals!

As I’m sure you all know or have had at least one Infinite Serenity fam member tell you, creating a daily ritual is a must to keep to yourself vibing high on the daily. Whether that be a ritual of meditation, journaling, mantra repetition, you name it, it all sounds fantastic till it comes down to us actually having to start our own daily ritual (and stick to it).

Speaking from experience, starting a daily ritual can be a lot harder then it seems, probably because as humans we have the tendency to over complicate things in our heads, or at least I know I do. When do I start? What time of day is best? What do I do? How do I know if I am doing it right? What if I miss a day? These are all questions many of us ask ourselves when we first start our daily rituals, and a lot of the time the reasons we don’t start.

So how do you create a daily ritual that works for you?

Find something you enjoy

My number one must for starting a ritual is it has to be something you ENJOY! Thats right! A ritual to keep you vibing high on the daily should not be something daunting or something that you dread. That will only set you to the vibrational frequency of dread and resentment, rather then the frequency of love and light. Your daily ritual should make you jump out of bed or rush home to complete your ritual because you like it! Actually, you should LOVE IT! This will also ensure that you stick to your ritual because you actually want to do it every day.

The moment you feel even the tiniest bit of resistance is the moment you switch it up! So your 10 minutes meditation in silence isn’t making you feel more calm but rather restless and annoyed? Try journaling your thoughts, or turn on some Kundalini and dance your way through your chakras! Your ritual really isn’t about anyone but yourself, moving energy, setting yourself up to vibe high and find balance in this crazy world.

Find the best time of day

Now this part might be one of the hardest part of starting a daily ritual because if you are someone like me where no two days schedules are ever the same, its hard to find a time of day that works the best to do your ritual consistently. But there are a few ways you can figure this out, even with a busy schedule.

First, try doing your ritual one day right when you get up, then the next right before you go to bed. See how either of those feel for you in both your mind and your body. If you feel like you are rushing through your ritual in the morning because you have to much on the to do list and you just cannot put it aside, maybe a night time ritual will work best for you. Or you can’t keep your eyes open and are to sleepy to be fully present in your ritual because you are exhausted from the days activities, maybe a morning or afternoon ritual will work better! Test it out till it feels right.

Personally, I do my practices in the morning because i find it works best for me and sets me up for the rest of the day to be more balanced. I am a highly sensitive person to energies around me so having that bit of time in the morning to centre my being does wonders.

The next one I suggest for finding the best time of day for you takes a bit of research, and that is finding out your dominant dosha! There are some quizzes you can take online (I recommend the one by Bayan Botanicals) that will tell you which dosha or doshas are more or less dominant. Each dosha has an assigned best time of day to perform ritual practice and meditation! Also, Ayurvedic medicine is just so cool and if you haven’t had the chance to explore Ayurveda yet, well this is your chance! Maybe it will be your next passion!

How do know if I’m do it right?

There is no secret formula, no wrong or right way to practicing a daily ritual. First just get consistant with doing one simple thing a day that helps you vibe a little higher and feel a little more centred. Then after a while (and I mean 2 years) you can worry about if you are saying that mantra right or if you are cleansing your crystals enough. But in all honesty, there really is no wrong way to a daily ritual because the intention is there and thats the biggest piece of the ritual puzzle.

Make it a priority

Last but not least, make it a priority but don’t get down on yourself if you miss a day or two… Again this just changes the frequency of your ritual if you start to focus on the guilt you feel about missing a day, rather then the feeling of balance you get once you have had the time to do your daily ritual. We all miss a day here and there, the most important thing is to keep it constant as humanly possible. Notice how I didn’t say, keep perfectly consistant? Perfectionism is an impossible task, so lets stop striving for that, okay?

And whats my daily ritual you ask? Well right now, I spend 10 minutes in the morning doing a simple single card pull from the Work Your Light Oracle Deck by Rebecca Cambell, writing down the card I pulled and anything else that comes to mind in the moment (usually 2 sentences), then meditating with the card for about 3-4 minutes. Nothing fancy, but it makes me happy to get out of bed in the morning (especially on the days I don’t want to) and it’s what sets me up to feel balanced and to carry on with my day from a place of love, lightness and intention.

Signing off with all the love in the world! Your Infinite Fam.